A Little Stranger celebrates Hey Cavey's 2nd Birthday with a contest!
The ever-adorable Cavey turns two years old in a little over a month… my, my, how time flies, it seems like only yesterday when the little bundle of joy appeared on the scene. To celebrate this momentous event, Cavey creator A Little Stranger is holding a very special competition: all you have to do is send Cavey a birthday message in the form of "a photograph, painting, drawing, computer artwork, a card, or sculpture – anything you like!" The deadline to submit is June 26th with the winner being announced on June 28th (Cavey's actual birthday)… now, what you've been waiting for, the winner gets a huge one-of-a-kind Purple Polkadot Cavey Pillow (pictured above) — and when we say huge, we mean HUGE: this guy is over 14" tall and 12" wide! Full contest rules and how to submit can be found HERE.
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