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Grimsheep's custom Dunny for "Most Wanted" show at 1AM Gallery!

A dashing skull mask on an intricately and perfectly painted custom? Yup, must be a new piece by Owen “Grimsheep” DeWitt… specifically one for the upcoming "Most Wanted: Behind The Hype" gallery show. I'm seriously and honestly not sure what I can say that your eyes can't tell you; yet another absolutely stunning piece for this amazing looking show.

"Most Wanted: Behind The Hype" (more information HERE) opens on May 11th (6:30-9:30PM) and runs through June 10th at the 1AM Gallery, 1000 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94103. Participating artists are: RunDMB, Tim "timselF" Munz, Ryan the Wheelbarrow, Ardabus Rubber, JC Rivera, Grimsheep, Nikejerk, Artmymind, Gomi, Rsinart, Lickyourelbow, Pause, Chauskoskis, Uncle, Ian Ziobrowski, Matucha, Dr Befa, Chica Terremoto, Igor Ventura, Sergio Mancini, Luihz Unreal, Nevercrew, Hugh Rose, Carson Catlin, ClarkR, Muffinman, Lily Black, Megan "Me Smithy" Smithyman, Bubo, and Chris "We Become Monsters" Moore.

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