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Ardabus Rubber's custom 8" Dunnys for the "Most Wanted" show at 1AM Gallery!

Ardabus Rubber's two custom 8" Dunnys for the upcoming "Most Wanted: Behind The Hype" gallery show are named "The Hermit" (left) and "The Hierophant" (right). The names seem to imply association to the Major Arcana cards from a Tarot deck, but the design seems to be more inspired by than interpretation of: the green head and tree patterning on the head of "The Hermit" making reference to the character's typical shamanistic & isolated nature, white the black & red of "The Hierophant" — and especially those crazy eyes — relate to the papal character's power-hungry, deceiver persona. Regardless, the paint job is absolutely stunning, with fine line detail work that is barely believable as being painted on. And while we can't clearly see them, the arms were sculpted from scratch and cast in resin. A worthy and truly "Most Wanted" addition to this fantastic show.

"Most Wanted: Behind The Hype" (more information HERE) opens on May 11th (6:30-9:30PM) and runs through June 10th at the 1AM Gallery, 1000 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94103. Participating artists are: RunDMB, Tim "timselF" Munz, Ryan the Wheelbarrow, Ardabus Rubber, JC Rivera, Grimsheep, Nikejerk, Artmymind, Gomi, Rsinart, Lickyourelbow, Pause, Chauskoskis, Uncle, Ian Ziobrowski, Matucha, Dr Befa, Chica Terremoto, Igor Ventura, Sergio Mancini, Luihz Unreal, Nevercrew, Hugh Rose, Carson Catlin, ClarkR, Muffinman, Lily Black, Megan "Me Smithy" Smithyman, Bubo, and Chris "We Become Monsters" Moore.

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