Amazing "Muse Robot" custom MAD*L by Sevren
A while back we showcased HERE the work of David Ten aka Sevren... and were blown away by his rad Stempunk style and approach to customizing vinyl figures. Well, today we are stoked to be showing off his latest work, and he called upon the help of a 10" MAD*L for this go-around. Titled the "Muse Robot", David really went all out assembling this massive piece... and if you look closely at it, you can see all of the intricacies that went into its creation. Mixed with the kind/subtle paint application along with the harsh robotic inner workings... this custom has it all.
The backstory of "Muse Robot":
The backstory of "Muse Robot":
This Muse robot was the best vocalist of her day. She was the only successful prototype of the Muse development program. Programmed specifically to listen to the world and the beauty around for use. She sampled and recorded sounds that happened her way, mixing them into something beautiful for all to enjoy. That was until a rival music bot company sliced off her face. The Muse bot, however, survived the attack. She refused to get her face plate welded back on as she discovered that it stopped her from her true potential. With the plate off she is now able to emit sounds capable of mass slaughter. She's a shell of her former self, bent on revenge.David tells us that he used sculpy, copper wires, wood and a lot of patience to complete this piece... and it shows. He goes on to mention "I first sliced open the MAD*L and figured I'd fill it with sculpey pipes. I had to cure the sculpey with a heat gun. Once that was complete I had to paint the whole inside black. and then copper to create the pipes This step is the worst because paint gets everywhere and I have to repaint sections constantly, not to mention wait for it to dry." If you are in love with it like I am, you are probably wondering where/if it is up for sale... and you are in luck because David just posted it to his online store HERE... so go pick it up! I am really floored on how this turned out, and I look forward to seeing more custom from David... how about you?
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