Trust Pigs's custom "Clone Stripper" Star Wars action figure!
Much like my custom Sarlacc Pit Labbit, this is another piece from my recent solo art show at Dream in Plastic, which was entitled "I have a bad feeling about this." and featured only works inspired by Star Wars in some way. I don't think most people realize how much work actually went into making that backing board — which was crafted from scratch and hand cut-out with an x-acto knife — but also, due to the nature of a wall-hanging art show, folks didn't get to see the backside of it. And yes, I spent WAY too long writing up a backstory for the "Clone Stripper" figure, which is a Slave Princess Leia with a Clone Trooper mask. The piece is actually entitled "Clone-Tertainment" though, as I thought that was a funny little name. As of Saturday night, this piece had not been sold. You can view the entire show online HERE with ordering information, if you are interested.
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