Free Goodie Friday 04/13/12 on - Win original art from Trust Pigs!!!
It's finally Friday... you know what that means right?!?! FREE GOODIE FRIDAY time, and more specifically a very special one at that!!! So what do we have for you today... well, thanks to fellow writer and contributor to, Nick aka Trust Pigs, we have a few original art pieces, as well as some sticker packs to giveaway! Now, you are probably wondering... what is this for, well... Nick is celebrating the launch of his "I have a bad feeling about this" solo show going down this Saturday, April 14th at Dream in Plastic located in Beacon, NY! Nick feels bad that all of you people that live outta town can't attend, so he wants to giveaway some goodies to make it feel like you are there... so he put up 2 of his "Bounty" paintings that measure 8" x 8" as well as 4 StickerPack's that each feature 3 of his "Neighborhood Watch" homage to Banksy stickers and 6 "TRUST" stickers... and you have the chance to win them today! Wanna know how? Keep reading...
1. First, up you gotta give Nick aka Trust Pigs a follow on Twitter HERE and a follow HERE then send out this tweet "I am entered to win some sweet original #starwars inspired art by @TrustPigs Go to to enter #SSPIG" You can just copy and paste the above quoted text, without the quotes of course :-)This contest will end Sunday night 4/15/2012 at 10:00pm so you only have a few days get your entries in, after all is said and done, SIX lucky winners will be chosen at random and will have these awesome gifts sent out their way! Good luck to all that enter... and be sure to check out Trust Pigs show online HERE right now as there are some great pieces up for grabs!
2. Next, just leave a comment in THIS post telling Nick who in the Star Wars galaxy he should parody next! This can be anyone... heck, you can even post links to images of your favorite SW characters in that same comment post... just remember to do it only once, as multiple comments will be disqualified!
Alright party people, thanks so much for entering this contest! We had a great turnout and you guys came up with some really great suggestions... and as a reward, 6 of you go home with prizes... so without further ado let's announce the winners! The 2 people that take home the stencils are Franklin Chow @Chinfan90 and Kristina Pino @Kriskitten, and the 4 people who get the sticker packs are Dan Bergeron @gloomy_art, Alex Santana @jandrolex, Mark Dobie @mark_dobie, and Nick Nelms @nicknelms! Congrats to you all and a big thanks goes out to Nick for donating such cool prizes... that being said there are some really awesome pieces still up for grabs from his show, so head on over HERE and snag something up!
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