Ted Terranova gives us a sneak peak into Rivet Wars's possible future…
Ted Terranova over at Rivet Wars has granted us a sneak peak into his sketchbook, as it seems he's trying to decide what should be next in his line of toys. I'm personally a fan of the Panzerkampfwagen, which can be spotted at the bottom left-hand side corner of the first page… though the motorcycle with mounted rocket launcher (marked #4 on the second page) is mighty alluring as well. What are some of your favorites? You can let Terranova know your thoughts on his Twitter account.
*** UPDATE ****
Terranova just posted the above picture, which is proposed box art for the "motorcycle with mounted rocket launcher" I mention above… and the real title appears to be "Rocket Firing Tracked Motorcycle." I love the G.I.Joe inspired design here as well as the wee type that reads "No assembly required - we took care of that for you." So c'mon people, get in the fight… the fight to make this happen, because I want one, dammit!
*** UPDATE ****
Terranova just posted the above picture, which is proposed box art for the "motorcycle with mounted rocket launcher" I mention above… and the real title appears to be "Rocket Firing Tracked Motorcycle." I love the G.I.Joe inspired design here as well as the wee type that reads "No assembly required - we took care of that for you." So c'mon people, get in the fight… the fight to make this happen, because I want one, dammit!
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