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"Bad Bad Buddah" & "Ghost Tribe Warriors" vinyl prototypes from Beefy & Co. spotted @ WonderCon 2012

One of the cool things about conventions is seeing new stuff coming out from companies you have never seen or heard of before... that was the case when walking through the isle at WonderCon 2012 and I stumbled upon the Beefy & Co. booth. Now, the name might be a little deceiving, but they had some awesome new vinyl prototypes on hand and upon further investigation I found out that the folks over at Kuso Vinyl had their hand in making this possible. Inside their glass display case was an awesome looking LARGE figure dubbed "Bad Bad Buddah" who sits 9" tall and is about that wide as well. The figure itself has a really nice aesthetic look and feel to it... and I just love the size and the pose! Along with that Buddah, there were some other rad figure called "Ghost Tribe Warriors" who stand 9.5" tall and come with some great accessories. Although they had no definitive answer on when we would actually see this product released, it is something to keep a watch out for! Oh, and along with those figures, they had all kinds of other rad plush and apparel as well! Hit up their site HERE as well as their Facebook page HERE for up to date info.

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