Leecifer goes 'Garamaniacal'!!!!
Do you know 'Garamaniacal'? Well, I sure don't... that's because it hasn't been publicized very well, but our good friend Leecifer just sent over some images of his submission for the upcoming show launching at FOE Gallery on February 10 and running through March 4. The show itself is an homage to the clunky, crusty, fish-lipped, oil-belching, high-rise-wrecking, meteorite monster "Garamon" and his 'recycled' alter ego, the friendly and excitable "Pygmon"... and above is Leecifer's interpretation of this wildly weird being! On top of these figures, they have an all star cast of customizers involved, which unfortunately seems to be flying under the radar. If you are new FOE Gallery, this show is a must!
Foe Store & Gallery
28 Pleasant Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Tel: (413) 586-2320
Foe Store & Gallery
28 Pleasant Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Tel: (413) 586-2320
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