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"Xmas Girl" & "Bugs Labbit" customs by Keithing

Keithing over at ToyQube always releases some of the coolest customs around, and this go around is no different... and what a diverse lil bunch of figures he is releasing this time! First up is a pair of custom 3A Tomorrow Queens! Titled "Xmas Girl" & "Xmas Girl Clone", one is in human form so it has the smooth skin surface, where the Clone version has a weathered look. Both with different tattoos on their bodies, and are 1-off figures! They can be picked up HERE!

Up next is a really great set of custom 5" Labbit's all done up in true WB fashion! He calls these the "Bugs Labbit".... for obvious reasons as Keithing draws his inspiration from that 'wascally wabbit' Bugs Bunny. Just look at the detail on this piece, and how cool is it that Keithing put other things from the cartoon and the character on this vinyl figure. There are 3 pieces ready to ship tomorrow, so first come first serve, the other 5 are now up for pre-order, so head on over HERE and pick one up!

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