"Fantastic Heroes" pieces by Emily Bee
Recent UK transplant and uber artist Emily Bee just informed us that she was asked to participate in a 2-person show with 'Cee' in Zürich at The Trace Gallery which opened up last week. The show titled "FANTASTIC HEROES" featured over 40 items from Emily alone which included custom vinyl, paintings, sculpture, plush and prints. Drawing inspiration from the old saying "A picture can say a thousand words" Emily used that, flipped it around, and decided to draw meaning from single words, and the immense power that they have... which is very apparent in this body of work! Above is just a taste of what she offerd up, and for many more pictures hit up her site HERE. If you are interested in purchasing a piece, contact Regina Schibli at The Trace Gallery by phone (+41 78 684 30 64) or by email (regina@thetrace.ch) for availability.
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