*RECAP* The Gumpy Show @ Gunnzo
Tonight was the opening to a custom show that has been a year in the works, and for Jose Reynoso aka Gumpy all his hard work and efforts totally payed off for 'The Gumpy Show' that was held at Gunnzo in San Diego! One thing that really made this show special is that it was in San Diego as we don;t have very many... if any... designer toy shows other than SDCC once a year, and to see the massive turnout of old and new faces was a breath of fresh air! The customs that were completed were all really great, a little bit of everything made its appearance in this show... some funny customs, some creepy ones, some light hearted and some very serious making the show super well rounded! Jose also went all out for the event by getting custom Skatedecks made, custom glasses, a run of TYO Toys 'Gumpy' themed trucks, custom shoes... shoot he even created a custom Gumpy that was submerged in a fish tank that had LIVE Piranhas swimming around it... hahaha, cool! Check em' out in the video above!!!
One of the things that made this show unlike any others is the fact that Jose did not mark up the fees for these customs meaning there was no commission or gallery markup placed on any of the pieces in the show... ensuring the pieces are priced reasonably and the artist gets all the money for their hard work and effort. Some other cool things included in the show was a sweet limited edition print on "Scumpy" by Skinner that is free to the first 20 guests. Tabe barbeque featured on the food network will be serving up their Asian-Mexican fusion for guests, live music from DJ JoeMama and just an all around good time taking shop with fellow artists and meeting fans of all ages! This was such a fun show, and I hope Gunnzo hosts more custom shows as it was a great time! Hit the jump for more pictures and to see the customs, i.e. the preview list, hit the link HERE!
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