Kevin Gosselin's Coarse Jaws "Samurai Pain" custom
Artist Kevin Gosselin continues to take the world of custom designer toys by storm with his uber talent... and above is a prime example of just that... like WOW!!!! I saw this piece yesterday but really had no words to describe how awesome it was... and even this morning I am still at a loss for words as Kevin took the already immaculate Jaws figure from Coarse and mad4 it his own with his superior sculpting skills turning the giant figure into "Yokurou" with the helmet completely re-sculpted to represent the dragon sea god "Wani"! This was a comission piece... making one collector out there totally happy, and making all of us envious :-)! Alright enough typing from me... just enjoy the pictures and the story below and for more images hit up Kevin's site HERE!
Backstory of "Samurai Pain":
"Early in the Keichō era on the small Pacific island of Kōzushima of the southwest coast of Japan lived a young man named Yokurou. Yokurou had a great passion for the ocean and it was said his love was so strong he was able to speak with the sea gods. Yokurou would play in the ocean and ride the coarse waves until one day in his 17th year he fell in love with a young girl named Koneneme. For 3 years the loved in peace. Yokurou was then called to the mainland to serve under the rule of the great emperor Go-Yōzei. Much was his loyalty to the realm so with heavy heart Yokurou left his wife and baby daughter to fulfill his duties. After 20 years of service and having become a great samurai warrior, it is said Yokurou summoned the sea god Wani 鰐 to spirit him across the ocean back to his loving wife and daughter. Yokurou's armor and helmet are fashioned after the sea god Wani 鰐, the powerful sea dragon."
Backstory of "Samurai Pain":
"Early in the Keichō era on the small Pacific island of Kōzushima of the southwest coast of Japan lived a young man named Yokurou. Yokurou had a great passion for the ocean and it was said his love was so strong he was able to speak with the sea gods. Yokurou would play in the ocean and ride the coarse waves until one day in his 17th year he fell in love with a young girl named Koneneme. For 3 years the loved in peace. Yokurou was then called to the mainland to serve under the rule of the great emperor Go-Yōzei. Much was his loyalty to the realm so with heavy heart Yokurou left his wife and baby daughter to fulfill his duties. After 20 years of service and having become a great samurai warrior, it is said Yokurou summoned the sea god Wani 鰐 to spirit him across the ocean back to his loving wife and daughter. Yokurou's armor and helmet are fashioned after the sea god Wani 鰐, the powerful sea dragon."
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