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*REVIEW* Smash Tokyo Toys "Beartank" Qee

First spotted and released at SDCC 2011, MattyBoomBattty of Smash Tokyo Toys was stoked to have finally released his new Toy2R "BEARTANK" Mini-Qee... and we were able to snag one up, and above is a LIVE recorded video review of this cool figure... so watch is would ya :-) This 5" tall Qee is STT's first vinyl toy and Matty being a super fan of Toy2R... let's just say it was a dream come true!!!

I really like the design of this figure, and the new Mini-Qee platform is the perfect size to fit all those crisp vector lines into one tight package. One thing I would like to see though is for Matty to release this figure as it was initially supposed to be released... as its own unique figure and not on a platform toy... although it works well, I would live to see an actual "BearTank" robot! These are available right now at most vinyl retail shops for only $28 a piece, and if your local shop does not have them, tell them to contact DKE as they are distributing these figures!

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