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"Double Zero" Jura from Sam Griffiths...released!

Sam Griffiths Jura 'Double Zero' has finally been revealed and is up right now in his online store HERE! The Jura 'Double Zero' is an industrial bot, and this cool 5" tall by 6" wide hand made, hand painted, twelve part articulated resin figure is used for manual labor and heavy duty tasks onboard the invading mother ships, and as a ground support unit, loading ammo into larger machines and constructing forward ground bases. I love all the added embelishments to this figure, like the danger stickers, and the caution lines on the bright yellow body... by far my favorite Jura yet! Remember these are really limited so head on over HERE now and pick one up! Hit the jump for the entire backstory on this bot!

Jura "Double Zero" Backstory:
The Double Zero Units were created as all other Jura units, deep within the bowels of the invading mother ships.After being hunted and snared from the oceans of their home world, they were fitted with the gruesome mind control cones that make slaves of all Jura units.

At the start of their long suffering terms of service, all Jura units undergo a classification process. The more nimble and aggressive units are sent into the various arms of military service, whereas the less intelligent, gentle creatures are designated as worker drones. Often imprisoned within older, patched up power units, these Jura’s are put to use on the vast, dark, noisy industrial sectors of the mother ships. Huge expansive decks pressed up against the outer hulls and bulkheads, housing all of the running mechanisms and smaller planet voyage vehicles.

Jura Double Zero units have been said to be the forgotten backbone of the invading force, underpinning all systems and services on board the long voyage vessels.

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