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Kidrobot x Swatch EPIC collectors set revealed

SpankyStokes.com was the first to reveal HERE a few of the upcoming Swatch x Kidrobot designer Watch/Dunny combos earlier this year... and now it appears that the folks over at Vannen Designer Watches did some recent internet digging and found some revealing photos buried deep within a Russian based watch site that shows off the entire set, and EPIC carrying case that this set is going to come in! Now the photos are popping up all over the internet and well... we want a piece of the action too, so we did some digging ourselves and found said photos and were able to get them in uber high-res along with more pictures of the case!

This designer toy and watch combo is going to feature artist designed watches, come with a 3" Dunny counterpart. The artist lineup includes Gary Baseman, Tara McPherson, Tilt, Joe Ledbetter, Jeremyville, SSUR, MAD and Frank Kozik... the cool thing is that the artists designed the Dunnys and watches to be a unit so they all match up pretty well. There is speculation that these might be really limited, but they may also be an open run. There is also no price point set, but rumor has it that the each figure/watch set will retail for $75, giving collectors something to wear and something to display... but what about that giant case of love above... do note that the 20" Kozik Dunny may only be available as a set purchase, and that there may be other Watch/Dunny combos not pictured above :-) More on that soon!

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