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Del Taco's "Mr. Nibbles" get a little Tyler Coey treatment...

Artist Tyler Coey just contacted me with some exciting info... that kinda lies in the same vein as designer toys, except it's a little bit more mass produced as for his day job he creates kids meal toys/activity books/ect. for a children's marketing agency. He tell us that for the past few years they have been doing a series of "Nibbles" characters for Del Taco, and ever since starting there last year it was a project he really wanted to be a part of. This particular series was set to be "Mucho Nibbles 2 - the Rematch" building off of a previous series of lucha characters... and three of Tyler's designs made it through to production and above you can see em... cool!

Tyler has been told the the toys have shipped to the restaurants so they should be releasing at Del Taco very soon, and unlike those Taco Bell "Bellheadz", now people can get a vinyl toy in their kids meal that's actually designed by someone in the scene! One thing I noticed with them is the somewhat similarity of the ear to Dunny's and knowing how rabid this scene is I asked Tyler "What would you say to people who critique you and said that these look like Dunny's? He went on to say that "I didn't design the shape... The figure has been produced for several years before I worked there. I'm not sure the designer of the shape was even aware of dunnys when it was concepted haha... I'm not sure exactly how long the figure has been around but it's been awhile. The shape is "Mr. Nibbles" the chinchilla character Del Taco uses for their kids meal promotions." and if you google Mr. Nibbles, you will see what Tyler is talking about, and in all honesty the similarities stop there because the body is more animal shaped! I am stoked that Tyler got his designs on these figures, and may go to Del Taco just to snag these up!

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