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Cavey's 1st Birthday Party!!!

It has been one heck of a year for Holly S. and her awesome plush creation Cavey... and to celebrate she is holding a 1st Birthday Party and wants to invite you! Join em' at the Fleet River bakery for a unique night of fun, food and fantastic custom plush, where 12 of the UK’s top artists have created exclusive designs for Cavey, these artists include: Doktor A, Cris Rose, Phil Corbet, Jam Factory, Joe Napper, Jon Burgerman, Jon Paul Kaiser, Lunabee, Matt JOnes, Peskimo, Sneaky Raccoon and Triclops. With the designs, Holly from A Little Stranger transformed them into stunning one-off plush pieces, where they will be sold throughout the night at the event! If your thinking about going, please RSVP HERE :-) Congrats goes out to both Holly and Cavey, and cheers to another full year of plush goodness!

Fleet River Bakery, Holborn
71 Lincoln's Inn Fields, WC2A 3JF
London, United Kingdom

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