Iron Penguin custom Comic #1
It's not very often you get to raise the bar on a 3A product. It's rarer still to see a custom so affect people that almost a year later you see it inspire someone to make a comic. And yet sometimes something comes along that's so cool it does just that. Many moons ago we wrote about a custom Bambaboss a vinyl toy from Ashley Wood and 3A that was customized by Makadi 3000. So cool was it that even now I'd say it's in the top 3 customs of 3A toys I've seen. (Iron Penguin, Clamshell Soup Bramble by muffinman and Eagle Eye, also done by Makadi) Well one of the 3A legions top followers and master artist in his own right, Brizl was so moved by the Iron Penguin he approached Makadi to create a story in comic strip form for Iron Penguin. So without further ado HIT THE JUMP for Iron Penguin issue #1!
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