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SDCC reveal and release of Scribe's "The Resound Fields Surround Sound Project"

We have been keeping close tabs on the progress of Donald Ross aka Scribe's top secret collaboration with others such as Cardboard Spaceship, Philip Koenig, JKR70, and Lucid that they are calling "The Resound Fields Surround Sound Project". Previously posted HERE, HERE , and HERE are other teasers of this project... and now we get to see the full crew, minus the chase figure I am guessing... and what a motley crew they are! We see that Rumpus, Walrusamust, and Knitnerve Pachyderm are in the mix with a few other new characters (currently working on their names). Scribe goes on to say that "The cases hold two color ways of each figure. Some colorways are rare like only 100 made others at a 50/50 split on the colors. Each case will have every character in it and regardless of what colors you get, they all look good together." These will be up for grabs at the con, and if your unable to make it out they will be online at Cardboard Spaceship on Wednesday night aka preview night, so rad they are doing this, but wait there is more... just keep on scrolling down :-)

The for-mentioned folks that are in this amazing collobration have put together a very cool video showing just the tip of the iceberg of what this whole project encompases... plus we get little sneak peeks of close up shots of Scribe's characters! Keep in mind this is the full experience and it's going to tie together a lot of the paintings, walls, toys Scribe has been doing for years. The first part of this series is going to incorporate art, story, photography, music, lyrics and toys mashed together... if that is not a sensory overload I don't know what is! Next week folks... I can't wait!!!!

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