Sikenomics for the "KC Hustle 2" group art show
Phil aka Sike Style, is an artist from KC (go figure... it seems like they are all coming from there now, hehehe) who owns and operates a t-shirt brand called Sikenomics which focuses on some really hip designs for both men and women! Phil is involved with the group art show featuring works from other artists such as Donald "Scribe" Ross, Nathan Fox, Jeremy Madl, Sike Style, Zachary Trover, Brian "Bullets" Horton, Luke Firle, Corey Goering, Alisa Ross, Matthew Hawkins, Lucid, and Trenton Matthews. Phil has been workin on an awesome looking interactive installation he is calling the "Racket Box Project" that he will be doing at the KC Hustle 2 show, and above is a preview of what to expect. At the Hustle 2 show the boxes will be set up and people will be able to get their photos taken with a variety of word bubbles, custom jewelry and other random accessories... how fun, and if you were on the fence about going to this show, hopefully this raddness pushed you over in the right direction :-)
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