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Lulubell Toy Bodega is stocking Monstrehero!!!!

Lulubell Toy Bodega is proud to announce their latest addition to their ever growing line of products, custom resin from MonstreHero! They got a ton of items in from the boys including, but not limited to Dumpsterbots, Victim's, Intergaladiator's, Skullminion vs Axeface & more. These figures are seriously sweet, and you got to see them in person, top notch stuff! how cool is it that an established shop is supporting start up hand-made creations... that's why we love you Lulubell's!

Also, on a side note... if you are heading to San Francisco for Wondercon, Sean from MonstreHero will be dropping Monstre-Exclusives at the Lulu Booth #223 on Saturday, April 3rd... be there or be square, like me :-(

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