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Exclusive look at an upcoming vinyl figure titled "The ELEMENTAL BADGERS" from David Foox

We are proud to say that SpankyStokes.com is one of the few to get a FIRST EXCLUSIVE look at David Foox's new vinyl figure coming out very soon! This figure titled "The ELEMENTAL BADGERS" measures 5" tall and will be a very limited run of vinyl totems, and by totem we mean statue, you can't actually stack these... and how limited you may ask... only 25 sets of each colorway which will include RED, GREEN, BLUE, GRAY, and GOLD and "each colorway carries with it a hopeful message, wish or desire" according to Foox.

Now the above figure is just in 3D prototype form, and the actual figure itself has not been created yet (at least to my knowledge) so we can only use our imagination of what these will look like once produced. They all have a price tag of $39.99 except for the "Soul" version which is $79.99, and they can be pre-ordered HERE! The price does seems a little steep, but that is because of the limited quantities, I do hope however that the quality is up to par... and I am sure David is working very closely with the factory on this! The jury is still out for me on the actual figure, but I am totally in on the concept... time will tell, and more images may sway me one way or another... either way I am anxious to see more. Keep em' coming David!

Info about each version(from Foox's site):
AIR BADGER - This totem represents the breath of universal life. It is the Word itself and the palpable sign of invisible life. Carry this totem to bring harmony and peace into your life.

FIRE BADGER - This totem corresponds to the Heart. It symbolizes the passion of love and life. Carry it to bring zest to your life and adventure, love, passion, and energy.

WATER BADGER - the vehicle for cleansing and regeneration. This totem contains all the promises of evolution and will heal the sick.

EARTH BADGER - This totem represents gentleness and fertility. Carry this totem if you wish to conceive now or later.

SOUL BADGER - This totem represents the everlasting energy of the immortal soul within each of us. Carry this totem to remember that you do in fact control your destiny.

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