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"After the Bomb Popped" art show by Matt Stallings

After the Bomb Popped
New Works by Matt Stallings
December 11th – January 10th, 2010
Opening Reception with the Artist: Friday, December 11th, 6-10pm
Live Music in the Courtyard at 8pm by Illuminauts,
Treasure Mammal, & Jamuel Saxon

This December, Subtext invites you to come experience a post nuclear world of skewed reality by San Diego’s own Matt Stallings. In After the Bomb Popped, Stallings has conceived an altered world where candy and popsicles have come to life. Icons of pop culture are turned upside down and inside out. Michael Jackson has become a monkey, Mickey Mouse is now a pig, polar bears are hunted for their Icee juice, — there’s even a chocolate Jesus. For his first solo exhibition at Subtext, Matt (interviewed here)has created an all but normal body of pop surrealism at it’s finest.

Source [Subtext]

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