"Euphoria Left The Room" Group Art Show
Euphoria Left the Room, curated by Judith Schwarzbart (curator of the Copenhagen Quadrennial: U-TURN), is an exhibition addressing the sense of creativity and visionary imagination, which throughout the 20th century was set free through experimentation and what-if scenarios governed by the “if anything was possible” logic commonly displayed in Sci-fi literature and film. This exhibition wishes to question what fragments of this avant-garde thinking and visual experimentation are still at work in contemporary art practice.
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 21st, 2009 | 7-10pm
November 21 – December 12, 2009
This exhibition contains work by artists and architects based in Copenhagen, Berlin, London, & Vienna: Jacob Dahl Jürgensen / London, Ferdinand Ahm Krag / Copenhagen, Ann Lislegaard / Copenhagen, Maria Loboda / Berlin, Tommy Støckel / Berlin/Copenhagen, Florian Zeyfang / Berlin, Lisa Schmidt-Colinet / Vienna, Alexander Schmöger / Vienna
Scion Installation L.A.
3521 Helms Ave (at National)
Culver City, CA 90232
Gallery Phone: 310-815-8840
Hours: Wed-Sat 11:00AM-6:00PM
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