NemO's "Toy Keeper" for Concrete Immortalz
Before we saw OsirisOrion's submission (click HERE to watch) for Phetus's Concrete Immortalz comic release that went down at Big Apple Comic Con, last weekend Oct 16th-18th 2009 @ Pier 94 in NYC! Now we get a look at what Mike Mendez aka NemO did for this show... AMAZING to say the least, this guy should be working in Hollywood, his sculpts are simply mind blowing, and this piece just takes it to a whole other level!
NemO says that " I've always been into original creatures, sci fi, horror type stuff, that's pretty much how I got started sculpting, it was GARAGE KITS back in 94 .If your NOT familiar with this, it's basically what all these dudes are doing now with the DIY RESIN pieces except back then it was all about realism, Movie characters, creatures ect... the only way to see and get into the hobby was to go to the CONVENTIONS, CHILLER THEATRE, MAD MODEL PARTY,S AN DIEGO COMIC CON... this was WAAAAY before McFarlane started doing shit, he saw the shit that was happening and then brought it to the mainstream with the MOVIE MANIACS stuff, that blew everything the fuck up from there cuz a RESIN garage kit, which you had to PUT TOGETHER yourself and paint would cost you at least $100, when McFarlane came out with his shit, it was a PRE-FUCKIN painted piece for like $30!!! shit man ,the garage kit scene was hurtin for alittle bit, but out of that came alot of ORIGINAL creative sculptors and artist, the GARAGE kits are coming back in a BIG WAY, or I guess they NEVER LEFT,LOL, but anyway I've always been inspired by alot of Japanese creature core artist like TEKEYA, NIRASAWA and sfx artist like JORDU SHELL..."
NemO says that " I've always been into original creatures, sci fi, horror type stuff, that's pretty much how I got started sculpting, it was GARAGE KITS back in 94 .If your NOT familiar with this, it's basically what all these dudes are doing now with the DIY RESIN pieces except back then it was all about realism, Movie characters, creatures ect... the only way to see and get into the hobby was to go to the CONVENTIONS, CHILLER THEATRE, MAD MODEL PARTY,S AN DIEGO COMIC CON... this was WAAAAY before McFarlane started doing shit, he saw the shit that was happening and then brought it to the mainstream with the MOVIE MANIACS stuff, that blew everything the fuck up from there cuz a RESIN garage kit, which you had to PUT TOGETHER yourself and paint would cost you at least $100, when McFarlane came out with his shit, it was a PRE-FUCKIN painted piece for like $30!!! shit man ,the garage kit scene was hurtin for alittle bit, but out of that came alot of ORIGINAL creative sculptors and artist, the GARAGE kits are coming back in a BIG WAY, or I guess they NEVER LEFT,LOL, but anyway I've always been inspired by alot of Japanese creature core artist like TEKEYA, NIRASAWA and sfx artist like JORDU SHELL..."
Now if that does not shed light onto the creation of this amazing piece i don't know what more you need... thanks so much to Mike for shining some ligt on where he draws inspiration from, and essentially letting us all know tat he has been sculpting for a LONG time now, so don't get discouraged when you see his amazing work :-) Keep rockin Mike, your work is top notch!
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