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3D Canvas Show: First Custom Toy Show in Oakland!

Last night I stopped by Terminal22 in Oakland for a sneak preview of the toys in tonight's show. Having only seen a mere fraction of the approximately 200 figures in 3D Canvas, I'm still going to make an early call on this and say: THIS is how you do a group custom toy show. With support from local heroes, STRANGEco, artists (local and national) each got complimentary pieces to customize. (I think Terminal22 even shipped the artists the toys.) The result is a diverse selection of art toys by a wide group of artists. The mix includes both names you have and haven't heard, platforms you've seen in custom shows before and those you have not and an exciting amount of full transformations that rival the original production pieces. On that note, the originals will be displayed along side the customs, to show off the full effect. Who else but Nasty Neil/Wasted Talent could transform a cute pig into a crazed flower? Craola gets the Leecifer treatment in just one of Lee's contributions to the show. Martin Bunyi sewed into Jermaine Rogers. Bob Dob became Darth Vader in the hands of Duncan Cook. Ian Ziobrowski set up a garden inside a Teddy Troop. And with all the recent hype on Dunnys made out of wood, this woodgrain-painted Munny has to be seen to be believed. Can't wait to see the rest of the pieces tonight. Support Oakland's first custom toy show. Come over the bridge. Take BART. Do what you can to get here. See you tonight! The show opens at 6PM, and features: Absolute Nonsense, Adam 5100, Adam Caldwell, Alex Heinke, Andy Stattmiller, BISERama, Blame One, Brent Nolasco, Brett Amory, Brown, brushforhire, Bryan Collins, Cameron Thompson, Chelsea Rae, Christine Benjamin, Dawood Marion, Double Parlour, DR, Duncan Cook, Ezra Eismont, Evil MCA, FAS, Geoff Trapp, Germs, Ian Ziobrowski, Eric Ziobrowski, Jack Rossi, Jason Kochis, Jay222, Jefferey David Mitchell, Jenny Harada, Jeremy Regan, Joey Potts, John Casey, Keith Poon, Ken Davis, Kristen Goetz, LA RAID, Lana Crooks, Leecifer, Martin Bunyi, Matt 136, Megan Wolfe, Michael Shantz, Michelle Richie, Moody, Motorbot, Nemo, Nerviswr3k, Nick The Ring, Nobody, NReazon, OHM, Optikmass, OsirisOrion, Owen Oertling, Patrick Francisco, Peabe, Phoneticontrol, Project Elefont, PJ Williams, Rsinart, Saintkid, Shane Saw, Skinner, Somebody, Suckadelic, Suzanne Russo, Task One, Tiki Jay One, TNES, Tone Tank, Tyler, Wasted Talent, We Kill You, Wisechick and Zam

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