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"Most Wanted" Kidrobot Message Board Custom Dunny Artist Series #1

Tim Munz (TimselF), oggyboy (Igor Ventura), and mANNEe (Manny Rivas) got together with an idea for a project, to organize a custom dunny series by some of the best artists on the Kidrobot forum. After making some hard decisions, they ended up with 15 artists: Nikejerk, TimselF, FAS, oggyboy, grimsheep, AW177, RSIN, Lysol, DFed, Luihz Unreal, Sergio Mancini, Del730, WuzOne, gawein, and MIKEDIE. They also included 2 "guest artists" to do one chase each, one of the artists is none other than FLYING FORTRESS, and the other is another cool artist, draifet. mANNEe states that "I think it's amazing how 3 guys, one from Germany (Tim), one from brazil (Igor), and myself from right here in Southern California, we're able to organize and coordinate 17 artists from all around the world for one amazing custom series."

Just like Kidrobot's production series, there are variants, chases and even an 8" golden ticket. These guys went full out on this one, with professionally printed blind boxes, color mini posters/fold outs which have pics of the regular designs and ratios, artist cards, and a few surprises here and there. There will be a total of 160 blind boxes, about half of them have been pre-ordered (pre-orders sold out in 2 days, and this was before we showed any teaser pics of the dunnys) so only half of the 160 will be available for purchase once they drop. The series is called "MOST WANTED", as in it features some of the most wanted underground urban artists and customizers on the Kidrobot forum. All graphics for the series were created by Tim Munz.

The final drop date and price is yet to be announced, but they are estimating around October, mid or late, and for a price of about $45 per blind, give or take, which includes shipping within the US. Discounts will be available for purchases of 3 or more. All profits will be divided amongst the artists, no one but the artists are making cash from this, which is really cool for the artists! mANNEe also states that "I just want to say that this our way of giving tribute to Kidrobot for what they've managed to do in the urban art scene, and as a way of thanking and encouraging every underground artist out there, keep doing what your doing. And of course a big thank u to the KR message board for supporting us, and a special thank u to Justin Bretter for helping out with the series."

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