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WeKillYou x SpankyStokes "Be anything you want" make a mask AND WIN contest! *EXTENDED*

Well most have heard that yesterday was my blog one year birthday (yay), and to celebrate I have teamed up with Justin Pape an amazing artist also known as WeKillYou, (follow his updates on Twitter) to do a huge giveaway/contest! This contest titled "Be anything you want" allows you to well... be anything you want, because at times we all wish we could be somewhere or be something other than what we are now! Think of when you were a child, where you wanted to become a dragon, or a bird, or even someone famous... now is your chance!

As far as what you are going to win... well look at that photo above, you have a chance to win the two "Oilspill" customs from his last show, one Padihershef and one Gonakadet, keep in mind that both of these molds have been destroyed, so this is the end of the road for these toys! Also as far as a shirt, the winner can have a choice of any shirt available on his site in their size, as well as the winner can pick one of the above Gelaskins for any of their devices!

To enter all you need to do is make a mask, and take a picture with it! This can be anything and as far as how the judging will work, it's not all about how great of an artist you are, it's about the creativeness, so take a picture with the mask in an environment where they work together. WKY made a template mask for you to download HERE, but you do not have to use this template... come up with your own, think out of the box, it can be any created mask! Then in order to enter you just need to upload you photo to our special Flickr site HERE and you are entered, or submit the pictures to me via email spankystokes@cox.net! This contest will run until next Wednesday July 15th at 5:00pm PST, so have fun and be creative!

This contest is going to be unlike any other that we have had here, and it really get you as the reader involved, but the prize pack is well worth it, so please by all means lets get a ton of entries into this, have fun and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me!

We have a winner!!!

I would like to congratulate EBILL for winning this contest! Justin picked this entry because EBILL really used the mask in its environment that works with the mask rather than just do a great job and take a picture in their room. Also Justin picked a runner up which was Chris' entry with the bread mask! Thanks to everyone who participated, and keep on stopping by for more contests!

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