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SpankyStokes.com • GeePeeKay of the Day

For those of you who are unfamilar with Garbage Pail Kids... it's time to pay attention. Growing up as a child in the 80's these little trading cards were frowned upon by most parents for the content in the pictures, but sought after by ALL children also for the content in the pictures :-)! The amazing art work that was done for each and every series lives on to this day, and will remain timeless. I can recall having a whole box full of these and just looking at the art for days, and think owwwww how *Insert Adjective* is that one!

Well now it is my extreme pleasure with the help of Matt aka Nicodemus from GeePeeKay.com to bring these back up into the limelight for what they really are... ART! Matt is going to be posting on our site the "GPK of the Day" whenever he finds time from his super busy schedule of maintaining his own expansive Garbage Pail Kids online shrine GeePeeKay.com!

Please help me out by welcoming Matt to the SpankyStokes.com crew, and I really hope you are as excited as I am to see all the amazing cards from yesteryear brought to the for-front to be celebrated and enjoyed once again, and keep an eye out for Matt's first post!!!!

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