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Paul Shih's Maori Warrior *Release*

As posted HERE earlier and ready to be released, Paul Shih's new toy is an 8" hand-cast & painted resin figure character based on his paper diorama ‘Aotearoa’, first release will be the ALL WHITE EDITION, limited to 20 figures world-wide! It will be at Santos from June 1st, online orders to follow later in June! :-)

114 Ponsonby Rd,
Ponsonby, Auckland.
New Zealand

Paul says that he knows a white toy does not make sense and that usually white toys are blanks, but his Maori Warrior is painted white intentionally! He prefers that the natural light play the main roll in letting it dance off the resin's features. This in my opinion is a great idea... and I tend to agree, I see alot of toys out there where the initial sculpt is amazing, but once the paint goes on... the figure is ruined! I find I do this with my own customs, I am a wip :-)

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