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The future of Vinyl Toy Network...

Well as many of you know, Vinyl Toy Network aka VTN is a huge vinyl toy show that hits during the winter and spring just before and after Comic-Con! Last year was the first time the spread it over 2 days... which included live painting, vinyl toys, and all kinds of other exhibitors that fit into the whole artistic genre.

So fast forward to this year! December 12th is the date and now instead of VTN it is now Designer Con, or "D-Con" for those of us in the know, hehehe (thanks Sir George). This is not going to pigeon-hole the event into one category like it did before calling it Vinyl Toy Network, now it gives it an almost open ended art feel, yet still focusing on the Vinyl Toy aspect of the event!

We had a blast last year and have even BIGGER things planned for this year so stay tuned for more info as it comes in... oh and it will be in a MUCH BIGGER space than last time... sweet!

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