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Walrus TV Artist Feature: Sam Flores Interview

"The best thing that I like about [painting] at the moment is creating itself....The main payoff at the end of the day is knowing that I made it."
-Sam Flores

Sam Flores is known for his instantly recognizable characters and he continues to carve out his place in contemporary art. In this week's edition of Walrus TV, the Sam Flores' interview from Dithers is available to the public for the first time for free. Listen in as Sam recounts how he got his start when he first came to San Francisco - all while he paints in his studio. Flores also discusses his typical day, inspiration and what his ideal painting conditions are.

In conjunction with his latest show, Ego, Addition and Other Bedtime Stories at Subliminal Projects, Sam Flores releases Dragon Tree - a print that depicts the classic struggle between light and dark. According to Sam, this girl is trying to hide the last beautiful thing left in her world. But if you look closely at the art, you will see that something sinister has just found her. The print is 12 colors, screenprinted, on 100lb cover stock and measures 18 inches tall x 18 inches wide. There is a limited run of 50, and all prints are signed and numbered. The print is available for sale at the Upper Playground Web Store.

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