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Sket-One joins the Infectious team!

New Haven, Connecticut painter, illustrator and designer Sket-One was one of the first artists to customize the Dunny. He became hooked on the medium of designer vinyl toys and has since gone on to create iconic characters of his own including the Eggster and Ripple.

Sket's part Michelin Man/Pillsbury Doughboy/Stay Puft Marshmallow man and all ice cream, Ripple is currently appearing on the gallery walls at Kidrobot's new Miami shop. Everybody's favorite animated ice cream cone is now also available to spruce up your laptop, iPhone or iPod, with prices starting from $14.99.

Congratulations as well to Lisa Evans and her Flying with Star Belly Open Submissions design. The whole team loved your subtle textures and magical characters and unanimously voted you as our favorite submission of the month.

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