We have a Stormtrooper from Sideshow, Hairy Bomb by Kozik, the Vintage Marshall by 64colors, Mutt by Tyler, a new segment, and much more! Bake up a fresh batch of cookies and join us for a Toy Break! Toy Break Stuff Osiris Orion Customs Contest - Win 2 custom Munnys from Osiris Orion! Head to the forum and post a picture of customs you made, bought, or traded (don't forget to include a note with your forum name and the words "Toy Break" so we know you really have the customs!) - deadline is March 11th Small Toy Break Download - just use the "small mp4" link above for a lower resolution, smaller version (320 x 240) of Toy Break at about half the size in megabytes Toy Break on Blip.tv - reminder to update your Flash player to fully enjoy watching Toy Break on Blip.tv! News We Kill You vs. New York City! - Monster Hide-and-Seek street contest in New York City from Monday, March 9th to Friday, March 13th Count Monkula - by Atomic Monkey - 3.5" resin figure available in pink or brown, limited to 500 pieces - coming soon for about $20 Snake Eyes Series 2 - by Horrorwood - the second series of Snake Eyes papercraft creations are now available with 5 new designs Seven Deadly Sins Series 1 - by Geek Toys - premiere line of toys by Geek Toys includes Envy, Pride, Wrath, and Gluttony and should be available by the end of 2009 Clutter Billy Bananas - by Thunderdog & Interspectacular - 5" tall Clutter exclusive pink Billy Bananas by Tristan Eaton is available now - limited to 150 pieces for £25 Reviews 12" Stormtrooper - by Sideshow - exclusive version includes Stormtrooper blaster pistol, limited to 1500 pieces - $90 Hairy Bomb - by Kozik & Toy2R - 8" tall, flocked - $40 Mutt DIY - by Tyler - 3" x 5" blank PVC, white or black, $15 - accessories available for $1.50 each Vintage Marshall - by 64colors & Rotofugi - 3.5" tall, limited to 500 pieces, released at Wondercon - $13 Kaiju Korner Docross Mini KOK Version - by Blobpus - 5" tall clear purple vinyl and painted Walder style - 9 styles available (at Super 7) - $45 - blog.goo.ne.jp/blobpus-mm Events Toy Swap and Sale - bring your toys to trade or come for the sale at Wacko's in Hollywood, CA on March 21st from 1-3 pm - Free lemonade and cookies! Humans Beware - I.W.G. custom show featuring over 70 artists at Rocketworld in San Francisco, CA from April 10th to June 6th Contact Toy Break 20% Off Coupons - use the coupon code "TOYBREAK" for 20% off at 3DRetro.com, Funkrush.com, and OctoberToys.com! Contact us! - send us your questions, comments, ideas, news about upcoming events and toys! Call Toy Break at 818-Am-I-Good (818-264-4663) Twitter with Ayleen at twitter.com/spookyamd Toy Brief - don't miss more toy reviews and fun from yours truly on YouTube.com/toybreak! Support Toy Break around the web by subscribing to us on iTunes, leaving us feedback on iTunes, and digging us on digg.com!
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