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Robot in the City plushies are now shipping!!!

That is right folks Robot in the City plushies are now shipping, and there have been a few important changes in the line up as well. As noted HERE before the whole package included a comic book pin sets and the plush toy, but after Alex opened the shipment box and having seen these guys in all of their gray glory, he decided to make getting one more accessible to everyone. However in doing this he had to unfortunately cut out the comic (though the comic is always free to read at www.robotinthecity.com) and pin sets (pre-orders still get them). In doing so, he was able to drop the price to only $11.99 per plushie (as opposed to the "designer price" of $21.99). It's still limited to 200, but at least the cost is easier to swallow during these hard economic times. This is really cool of Alex to consider, so if you were on the fence with this one because of the price, now you can get your hands on an awesome plush robot for half the price...thanks Alex!

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