Bug Jar #2 by Chris Ryniak
Cleveland artist Chris Ryniak, whose "Big Muscamoot" vinyl figure is due to be released by Rotofugi & Squibbles Ink any day now, will launch the second installation of his new “Bug Jar” series of customized vinyl figures this Friday at Shoparooni.com!
The Bug Jar Series will feature customized mini figures from MINDstyle, Kidrobot and other companies. One custom figure will be released each month, and the figure itself will not be revealed until the buyer has received it. Each will be a unique, hand-painted and sculpted custom figure from lines such as Kathie Olivas’ Scavengers and Kidrobot’s Dunnys.
The second custom, a hand painted, hand-sculpted 3" Dunny named “Midwestern Mud Tracker,” will be released tomorrow, Friday, March 27th at Shoparooni.com between 9 PM and 11 PM, EST. Retail for this Bug Jar release will be $200. There will also be some very special Bug Jar releases at the upcoming Dragon*Con in September at Chris’ table in Artist’s Alley.
The last Bug Jar release, a custom Scavenger figure, sold in just a hair over 3 minutes! Better be quick on the draw for this one! And, as a nice little bonus, if a second person gets their order in before the figure is pulled, they will get a free Chris Ryniak postcard set, courtesy of Chris and Shoparooni.
The Bug Jar Series will feature customized mini figures from MINDstyle, Kidrobot and other companies. One custom figure will be released each month, and the figure itself will not be revealed until the buyer has received it. Each will be a unique, hand-painted and sculpted custom figure from lines such as Kathie Olivas’ Scavengers and Kidrobot’s Dunnys.
The second custom, a hand painted, hand-sculpted 3" Dunny named “Midwestern Mud Tracker,” will be released tomorrow, Friday, March 27th at Shoparooni.com between 9 PM and 11 PM, EST. Retail for this Bug Jar release will be $200. There will also be some very special Bug Jar releases at the upcoming Dragon*Con in September at Chris’ table in Artist’s Alley.
The last Bug Jar release, a custom Scavenger figure, sold in just a hair over 3 minutes! Better be quick on the draw for this one! And, as a nice little bonus, if a second person gets their order in before the figure is pulled, they will get a free Chris Ryniak postcard set, courtesy of Chris and Shoparooni.
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