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AW177 entries for Humans Beware

Here are a few more entries for the Humans Beware show, these coming from AW177 who is a regular on the KR boards, and a great artist as you can tell form his entries into this show! It appears as though he took parts from a Gundam figure or some other sort of robofigure and attached it to his entries...seamlessly I might add!

Background story for "Bear Supreme":

The Insurgents Wilderness Gruppo's goal of resisting the human destruction and domination of their "natural" habitat grew increasingly harder with the rise of human technology. In response to this, the Technical Armored Protocol was devised to enhance the strengths and abilities of their soldiers. However, one of the original greatest I.W.G. soldiers - code named "Rhinotech", went rogue and turned on the I.W.G. In an effort to now combat Rhinotech and the humans, the I.W.G. soldier with the most heart and loyalty volunteered to undergo the procedure to become "Bear Supreme", the most powerful of the I.W.G. Technical Armored Protocol soldiers! Now the battle between good and evil rages on till only one can become the ultimate I.W.G. Technical Armored Protocol soldier and continue the fight against the humans!

Background story for "Rhinotech":
The Insurgents Wilderness Gruppo's goal of resisting the human destruction and domination of their "natural" habitat grew increasingly harder with the rise of human technology. In response to this, the Technical Armored Protocol was devised to enhance the strengths and abilities of one of the greatest I.W.G. soldiers - code-named "Rhinotech". However, Rhinotech grew frustrated and angered with the constant battles against the humans for little or no gain; he sought to profit from his powers instead. The I.W.G., fearing Rhinotech may turn on them, tried to shut down his armored powers but it was too late - Rhinotech broke free away from the I.W.G. He now battles for self-gain and to rule, not only over the humans, but over the I.W.G. as well!

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