7 years of Creatures In My Head!!!!
Congrats to Andrew Bell for doing his thing for 7 years and counting! I am sure every single one of us has something that this man has created in their collection, I think I have every single version of his Zliks...what a great figure! To celebrate his 7 year anniversary he got all crazy and updated his website HERE. It looks really clean, and I totally dig it.
A little note from Andrew:
A little note from Andrew:
Out with the old and in with the new! Today not only marks the first full day of a new administration here in the good ole US of A, but it also marks 7 years of creature madness! It’s been a fun ride and it keeps getting better! Many thanks to all of you who have supported me financially, emotionally and bacon-ally over the years.Looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeves for the years to come, and please keep manifesting those monsters in your head that we have all come to love! Stop by his site and wish him congrats, I am sure he'll appreciate it!
Speaking of in with the new, you may have noticed the entirely new site! Most of the content from the old site made it over, except for a few of the comments on old blog entries and some extra features here and there. I am still working out some of the kinks, moving things around, breaking things, fixing things, and adding new things so please bear with me.
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