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Winter VTN08...what a blast!

Just got home and what a GREAT TIME!!!!

I hope all of you that came out, really had a good experience, I know everyone that was with me had a blast. It was awesome to finally put some faces to all the names, to meet everyone and actually getting to talk to them in person is so great to do, and the vinyl toy community is really great, everyone was in good spirits, and really looked like they were enjoying themselves.

Thanks to everyone who came out, and for all of the support, and mostly thanks to Ben at 3DRetro and his crew, as well as everyone who sponsored all those amazing giveaways...unreal the support we got!!! Wizard Sleeve Toys, and Tenacious Toys, DrilOne, and Lou Pimentel for the awesome signings and support... Kuso Vinyl, DeliciousDrips...and everyone else that donated stuff for our giveaways...YOU ROCK!!!!!!

We have bigger and better things planed in the future for SpankyStokes.com so please keep coming by, drop me a line to say what's up, and keep supporting all this amazing art!

Please be patient as I sort through this ton of e-mails and photos, we want to post up some awesome coverage and Chris took some great photos that covered the whole event from start to finish, and will post them all when I get organized!

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Anonymous said...

your booth looks fantastic!
great job spanky!

SpankyStokes said...

Thanks Rain, maybe you can make it to the next one, it was alot of fun!

Anonymous said...

i wanted to but i had to work KIIS FM's jingle ball concert :( i've heard nothing but good about your setup and raffles!!!

krakit said...

VTN was fun for me and I wasn't
even there! Ah yes, the power of
the USTREAM chat rooms and the live
feeds to the show. Thanks for all
you did with your live feed,
SpankyStokes :D

SpankyStokes said...

No prob Krakit, sorry the feed was such crap...hopefully we can get better signals when we do live feeds! It was alot of fun, and we have some things to iron out before next event, but it should be that much better!