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Electronic Tagging for the Masses

Electronic Tagging for the Masses

Info from ThinkGeek.com:
Times have changed since you got caught for doodling that cute girl's name on your desk in elementary school. Now you can mark your territory in a non-permanent electronic fashion with the LED Magnetic Digital Graffiti. This set of 20 different LEDs each has a battery and a magnet attached. Pull the tab to activate, then toss them on any ferrous metal surface... they stick and glow brightly announcing to everyone in the vicinity that you were indeed there. But make sure you stick the LED Magnetic Digital Graffiti on stuff you own, or are able to remove them later... because gone are the days when you can post funny battery powered LED signs all over Boston.
These are really cool, and for $9.99 you get 20 lights (4 x 10mm Red, 4 x 10mm Blue, 4 x 10mm Green, 4 x 10mm Orange, 4 x 5mm Rainbow Cycling. So if you are feeling in the non-destructive mood, but still want to express yourself...here is the solution! Get em' while you can, or before they outlaw these too!

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Anonymous said...

Or just make them yourself. I can get about 50 out of $20 if I pick up the materials from the right places.

Grafitti Research Lab invented these back in 2005 I believe.

Here is the instructable http://www.instructables.com/id/LED-Throwies/

Anonymous said...

Also for a little more money (we're talking like 10cents per throwie) you make one that know when it's dark out. That way you conserve the battery and your tag lasts longer.

SpankyStokes said...

You know, i saw these on there back in the day, I just thought it was cool that ThinkGeek sells them now...kinda weird something like a lil DIY makes it into mass production!

Anonymous said...

Check out GRL Year One documentary where they talk about the phenomenom of that grew from the LED Throwie. COKE actually used them in an x-mas campaign in Japan!

Anonymous said...

Good information...
SBL – Video tagging