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Tins for Tots : Custom Strollers With Attitude!

Are you a "hip" parent, looking to make you child as "hip" as you are, yet still have them comfortable and safe at the same time? Well look no further because Tins for Tots has just the solution, and it's for a great cause!

Jamie Coblentz, president of Kid Kustoms and Pinstripe Prep had this to say:
"What we are doing is the first undertaking of its kind. It blurs the bounds between art mediums, the automotive world, fashion, technology and juvenile product realm. We are practicing the art of science through aesthetic appeal, functional design and thought provoking reason"
Kid Kustoms is collaborating with PPG industries and Wheaty Wheat Studios to bring you completely new medium and international forum to display your talents. They have invited the world’s best hot rod stripers, street artists, illustrators, air brushers, graphic designers, and cartoonists to compete in one of 3 categories to generate awareness and resources for this year’s charitable organizations. Participation is by invite only.

This is so awesome and it is allowing the artists to customize the fenders to the stroller's that convert into a tricycle. Once this is completed, the art will be auctioned off and the proceeds are going to the artists choice of charities(One is Greater than None, UNICEF, Sacred Circle, Action Against Hunger and Conservation International). There is going to be a tour planned for the fenders, which will be announced at a later date, and these fenders are one of a kind and once sold will contain a letter of authenticity.

Check out the video below for more info on what this product is all about, and then check the pics to see what some of the invited artists have already done, these look awesome! Also be sure to CLICK THROUGH for the official press release, and list of artists participating in this amazing event!

The event works as follows:

1) Each participant is provided a set of fenders. While interchangeable on any of the Kid Kustoms Roddler strollers, the finished products will be displayed in prominent galleries worldwide, and auctioned off on a custom mounted frame, signed by the artist and with a letter of authenticity.
2) Upon submission of their works, our D.A.W.S (Dads Against Wack Strollers) subscribers and the readership from the esteemed magazines providing event coverage will be voting to determine who were the top ten and then favoured artists in each category.
3) The winner from each category will be auctioned off on a Roddler, with proceeds from all sales being donated to the artists’ choice of the participating charitable foundations listed below. The only stipulation for the contest is fenders must be painted in the Kid Kustoms color palate, which consists of 9 offerings from the PPG Vibrance collection that are exclusive to the Roddler.

Five charities were selected to be the beneficiaries for this year’s event. The reason being was to ensure that the participants feel they are contributing to a cause they feel close to. The organizations chosen to be the recipients of the goodwill are: One is Greater than None, UNICEF, Sacred Circle, Action Against Hunger and Conservation International.


We are motivated by our desire to make inspired, inventive, and incredibly functional products. Our brand transcends the traditional bounds of the juvenile consumer market and has received critical acclaim by the most discerning figures in fashion, technology, and automotive industries. It is the essence of employing the art of science. Through stellar design, an innovative approach and the integrity of our product and demeanour; we are proud to be the face of the revolution in Juvenile Products. Long live tins and fins.


PPG industries:
PPG is a global supplier of paints, coatings, chemicals, optical products, specialty materials, glass and fiber glass. The company employs more than 30,000 people and has 125 manufacturing facilities and equity affiliates in more than 20 countries. Sales in 2006 were $11 billion. PPG shares are traded on the New York and Philadelphia stock exchanges (symbol: PPG). For more information, visit www.ppg.com

Wheaty Wheat Studios:
As one of the pioneers of the vinyl toy trade, Wheaty Wheat Studios produces limited edition figurines and collectables. The craze of pop art and urban inspired street trends lead the artists to search for new media. Wheaty Wheat offers the ability for established artists from various backgrounds to display and personify their creative vision in 3 dimensions.Visit www.wheatywheat.com or www.vinyltoynetwork.com

Event Contact: Jamie Coblentz- Kid Kustoms (925) 997-6221 Jamie@kidkustoms.com

The list of Artists lined up for this event is ridiculous:
DavePerewitz [www.perewitz.com]
Beej Curtis [www.organicimage.com]
Mathieu Missiem-Ndeur [www.ndeur.com]
Roger Andrews [www.rand247.com]
Brian Castleforte [www.castleforte.com]
Alberto Cerriteno[www.albertocerriteno.com]
Cat Oshiro [www.catoshiro.com]
Juliet Park [www.julietpark.com]
Peskimo [www.peskmo.com]
Squinky [www.squinky.co.uk]
Nathan Spoor [www.nathanspoor.com]
Joe Iacono [www.joeiacono.com]
Danny Casroc [www.casroc.com]
Damon Richey [www.damonsmc.com]
Richard Van Over [www.wheatywheatstudios.com]
Jim Koch [www.jimkoch.com]
Brent Nolasco [www.brentjeromenolasco.com]
Julie West [www.juliewest.com]
April Edwards [www.april-edwards.com]
Mike Martin [www.enginehouse13.com]
Daze [www.dazeworld.com]
Erica Gosich Rose [www.egrart.com]
Romeo & Mega [www.sons.nl]
Great & Bates [www.greatbates.com]
Juicie graphics [www.juiciegraphics.nl]
Pixelfillu [www.pixelfillu.com]
Triclops Studio [www.triclopsstudios.com]
Frolab [www.frolab.com]
Cancontrollers [www.cancontrollers.net]
Markus Muller [www.wonabc.com]
Sean Barton
Herb Martinez
Rory Pentecost
Art Himsel
Darry Hollenbeck

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Anonymous said...

Bwahahaha, Spanky, this rocks!

I haven't seen anything so cool since I saw a stroller made to look like an ATAT, http://tinyurl.com/yqjyqy

What a great competition. I'd have to go pimp mine and add a clicker to the front spokes & Furry Dice. My baby boy would love one of them.

Great writeup mate =)

SpankyStokes said...

That ATAT is awesome!!!! Yeah these are super cool...it is great to see other mainstream forms such as strollers get customized by these amazing artists...great exposure for them!