Midwest Plushform Show - Auctions are LIVE!
Midwest Plushform Show
That's right folks...all of these awesome customs above(plus sooooo many more) are up for auction as you are reading this, and if these pictures are not enough for you to get over there to start bidding...the starting prices on these should light a fire under under yer rumps!Seriously...what are you waiting for, there are so many great customs by so many well know artists it is RIDICULOUS! This is a 20 day auction and there are only 17 days left to get your bids in on all of these great pieces...so get going and good luck! Happy bidding!
Oh...and you better not bid against me, or I will have to break you(hehehe, actually I am a lover not a fighter)...I really want that piece...not telling you which one :-)
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