Join us for Doolie Boxes from Anna Chambers, Daemos and Sectara from Sucklord, toy safety talk, all the usual fun, and more! Finish baking those fresh pumpkin seeds, throw some salt on them, and take a Toy Break! Panik's Toy Box Contest Winner - Thank you to everyone who participated and huge thanks to for sponsoring this amazing contest! Beetlejuice & Dread Pirate Roberts Contest - win Beetlejuice and Dread Pirate Roberts action figures from by jumping over to the contest section of our forum and post your favorite quote from either movie Beetlejuice or The Princess Bride - deadline is October 29nd Small Toy Break Download - just use the "small mp4" link above for a lower resolution, smaller version (320 x 240) of Toy Break at about half the size in megabytes The Dumpkin - a little Halloween treat Toy Break on - reminder to update your Flash player to fully enjoy watching Toy Break on! Panik's 13 Days of Halloween - sale now through Halloween! Open Your Toys - new audio podcast specifically about Star Wars, Transformers, GI Joe, and Masters of the Universe Hello Kitty Jewelry - Sanrio has teamed up with Simmons Jewelry co. to produce a collection of earrings, necklaces, charm bracelets, and watches starting at $150 Devil Dogs - by Secret Base & Osaka Pop Star - two new Devil Dog figures (skeleton suit and candy corn editions) now avaialble for $70 each The Zombiefie Six - by - set of 6 paper craft zombie dolls available now for downloads (from Happy Birthday Smurfs! - on October 23, 1958 the Smurfs made their first appearance as secondary characters in "Le Journal de Spirou", so happy 50th anniversary! There is a great article about the evolution of the Smurfs over at Doolie Boxes - by Anna Chambers - stackable, hugable, plush blocks 9" wide by 7" tall by 4" deep - three colors in the series, 500 pieces each: purple (Too Baa), Tee Hee (blue), and the soon to be released green (Boo Hoo) - $25 Daemos: Afflicter of the Corporeal - by Sucklord - hand cast resin with day glo paint - 50 pcs - 24th entry in the Suckadelic Bootleg series - $35 Sectara: Evil Bug Babe from Planet Putar - by Sucklord - hand cast resin head with glitter powder additive on a vintage Fisher Price "Little People" body - 30 pcs - 4th entry in the Suckpeg series - $37
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