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QFO - New Flying R/C Toy from Tomy

I found this on OhGizmo.com via Geekalerts.com, and was super impressed, something about flying toys that really brings my inner child to a warm fuzzy place. Just recently I received one of those remote controlled 6-way helicopters for my b-day and have enjoyed the heck out of it, and now I want this!!

Copy from OhGizmo:
There’s not a lot of info on these new flying toys from TOMY, but apparently the ‘QFO’ as they’re calling it was recently shown at the 2008 Tokyo Toy Show and is the next item in the company’s ‘Q-series’ of miniature remote control vehicles. They’re designed to be flown indoors using an infra-red remote control, and while you can’t actually steer them around a room in any capacity, they can fly to a height of about 26 feet. I’ve managed to dig up a video that DigInfo shot of the QFO in action, and I think the small form factor will be their biggest appeal.
These are going to so sweet, bombing my unsuspecting coworkers from one office cubicle to the other...I can just see it now, war of the worlds, these things flying all over the place. These are planned for an end of September release, and no price point has been set yet!

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