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Geof Darrow × Unbox Industries's "Shaolin Cowboy" & "Big Dog" figures!

I have been a fan of Geof Darrow's art since the first time I stumbled across Hard Boiled, the comic he created with Frank Miller. Then the two would work together again on Big Guy & Rusty the Boy Robot, another instantly iconic work in my eyes. I would follow Darrow, mainly tracking down stray cover art he created, until he launched into his own Shaolin Cowboy comic a decade ago. And now "Shaolin Cowboy" and "Big Dog," depicted above, are both being transformed into three-dimensional life by Unbox Industries. We previously announced this, but now it is completely confirmed… Below being the 3D render for "Shaolin Cowboy" and the test pulls for "Big Dog!" While "Shaolin Cowboy" is still in the sculpting phase, "Big Dog" will be released in "a plethora of colorways" soon and Darrow "will be drawing brand new art for the header card!"

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