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J★RYU and Vampy Holiday Toy and Food Drive at Kidrobot San Francisco 12/13/13

Awwwww... look how sad both J★Ryu and Vampy are, not smiling and looking bummed out. Want to make them happy and put smiles on their faces? Well... head on out to Kidrobot 'San Francisco' this Friday, December 13th and join them for a holiday toy and food drive. Starting at 5pm and running until 8pm, head on out and bring a new, unopened toy or 5 items of a non-perishable food donation. If you do, you will receive a toy sketched on by the duo themselves. That isn’t all Kidrobot fans... because for every individual toy or food donation you are entered into a raffle for a chance to win a super secret prize by J★RYU, Vampy, and Kidrobot. So in order to make these two smile, you HAVE to donate... be sure to head on out this Friday!

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