Chica Terremoto's WIP custom Dunny for Most Wanted show at 1AM Gallery!
Hot off of yesterday's announcement of the full artist list for the "Most Wanted: Behind The Hype" gallery show, we bring you some amazing work-in-progress teaser pics of an 8" custom Dunny by Chica Terremoto. My Spanish is a little rusty, but the back of the custom's head reads "Perdóname Madre por Tatua" which I believe translates as "Forgive me, Mother, for my tattoos." The paint job looks brilliantly bright and beautiful, with some judiciously placed washes creating a wonderful realism to the head. Can't wait to see the completed piece!
"Most Wanted: Behind The Hype" opens on May 11th (6:30-9:30PM) and runs through June 10th at the 1AM Gallery, 1000 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94103. Participating artists are: RunDMB, Tim "timselF" Munz, Ryan the Wheelbarrow, Ardabus Rubber, JC Rivera, Grimsheep, Nikejerk, Artmymind, Gomi, Rsinart, Lickyourelbow, Pause, Chauskoskis, Uncle, Ian Ziobrowski, Matucha, Dr Befa, Chica Terremoto, Igor Ventura, Sergio Mancini, Luihz Unreal, Nevercrew, Hugh Rose, Carson Catlin, ClarkR, Muffinman, Lily Black, Megan "Me Smithy" Smithyman, Bubo, and Chris "We Become Monsters" Moore.
"Most Wanted: Behind The Hype" opens on May 11th (6:30-9:30PM) and runs through June 10th at the 1AM Gallery, 1000 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94103. Participating artists are: RunDMB, Tim "timselF" Munz, Ryan the Wheelbarrow, Ardabus Rubber, JC Rivera, Grimsheep, Nikejerk, Artmymind, Gomi, Rsinart, Lickyourelbow, Pause, Chauskoskis, Uncle, Ian Ziobrowski, Matucha, Dr Befa, Chica Terremoto, Igor Ventura, Sergio Mancini, Luihz Unreal, Nevercrew, Hugh Rose, Carson Catlin, ClarkR, Muffinman, Lily Black, Megan "Me Smithy" Smithyman, Bubo, and Chris "We Become Monsters" Moore.
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