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Carson Catlin's Playsam custom for the Super7 show!

In our continuing coverage of the "Playsam 500" custom toy show, which focuses on artists customizing the iconic Playsam Streamliner Classic wooden car, we present to you Carson Catlin contribution to the benefit event. The above picture is a little dark, can't quite see what's going on, and…

…there we go! That's a lot of deep carving in some solid wood. I love that Catlin remade his style in the wood, which couldn't have been easy at all. Based on what we're seeing, I expect their to be at least one casualty from all this serious wood working going on!

"PLAYSAM 500" opens on April 28th at Super 7, 1427 Haight St. (@ Masonic), San Francisco, CA 94117. Participating artists include: Andrew Bell, Arbito, Clayton Bailey, Dacosta!, Super Cooper Berella, Beast Brothers, Betso, Kat Brunegraff, 64 Colors, Carson Catlin, DrilOne, Tristan Eaton, Brian Flynn, George Gaspar, Paul Greenwood, Gary Ham, Greglovestoast, Nathan Hamill, Jay222, Walter “Chauskoskis” Jacott, Jryu, Jeremiah Ketner, Paul Kaiju, Aya Kakeda, Frank Kozik, Josh Herbolsheimer, Travis Lampe, Matthew Langille, Josh Mayhem, Sarah Lunabee Miskelly, Frank Mysterio, Motorbot, Ritzy Periwinkle, Plaseebo, Patricio Oliver, Task One, Dave Pressler, Reactor 88, Jason “Aka Big Money” Rodan, Jermaine Rogers, Cris Rose, Scribe, Rsin Art, Ardabus Rubber, Skinner, Bwana Spoons, John “Spanky” Stokes, Steve Talkowski, Cameron Tiede, Scott Tolleson, Vise One, Angie Vtec, Ben Walker, Adam Washburn, The Air Rat, Julie West, Kevin Winnik, Nicholas Woodworth... and many others!

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