Buff Monster's new print from 1xRUN?!? So it appears…
Yesterday, the fine folks over at 1xRUN posted the above to their Twitter feed with the tagline: "Sneak peek of a special upcoming run…" And if this isn't a new Buff Monster print than I suspect there will be a lawsuit in the near future. All joking aside, we fully assume that this has to do with our announcement the other day of Buff Monster's upcoming gallery show set to coincide with his birthday… And if I didn't know any better, I'd swear those look like the backs to trading cards…
*** UPDATE *** It appears my guess is correct. The above are uncut sheets of the ToTT Global "Melty Misfits" Trading Cards which will be sold by 1xRUN in both signed and unsigned formats.
*** UPDATE OF THE UPDATE *** There was a misunderstanding and we apologize for it. The uncut sheet is of the ToTT Global Buff Monster playing cards, not the announced "Melty Misfits" trading cards. Our apologies for any confusion this caused.
*** UPDATE *** It appears my guess is correct. The above are uncut sheets of the ToTT Global "Melty Misfits" Trading Cards which will be sold by 1xRUN in both signed and unsigned formats.
*** UPDATE OF THE UPDATE *** There was a misunderstanding and we apologize for it. The uncut sheet is of the ToTT Global Buff Monster playing cards, not the announced "Melty Misfits" trading cards. Our apologies for any confusion this caused.
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